
Synonyms and related words:
Zeitgeist, action, actions, activity, acts, address, affectation, affective meaning, aftermath, aim, air, air express, airfreight, airlift, applicability, application, appositeness, aspect, asportation, attitude, axis, azimuth, backing, ball bearing, bearings, beck, beckon, behavior, behavior pattern, behavioral norm, behavioral science, bent, bevel bearing, birthing, body language, bolstering, boost, born, bracing, brow, bump, bumper crop, bunt, burdened, bushing, butt, buttressing, calved, carriage, carry, carrying, cartage, cast, cast of countenance, celestial navigation, charade, chassis, childbearing, childbirth, chironomy, color, coloring, complexion, comportment, concern, concernment, conduct, connection, connotation, consequence, conveyance, correlation, countenance, course, crop, culture pattern, current, custom, dactylology, dead reckoning, deaf-and-dumb alphabet, delivery, demeanor, denotation, deportment, dig, direction, direction line, display, doing, doings, drayage, drift, dropped, dumb show, effect, endurance, enduring, essence, exposure, expressage, extension, face, facial appearance, favor, feature, features, ferriage, fix, foaled, folkway, force, frame, freight, freightage, front, frontage, fructiferous, fructification, fruit, fruitbearing, fruiting, fruition, fulcrum, garb, germaneness, gesticulation, gesture, gesture language, gestures, gist, given birth, giving birth, glacial movement, goings-on, grammatical meaning, guise, hand signal, harvest, hatched, haulage, hauling, head, heading, headstock, helmsmanship, holding, hustle, idea, impact, implication, import, inclination, infrastructure, intension, interest, jab, jewel, jog, joggle, jolt, jostle, kinesics, lay, lexical meaning, lie, lighterage, line, line of direction, line of march, line of position, lineaments, lines, literal meaning, look, looks, lugging, main current, mainstream, maintaining, maintien, make, manner, manners, materiality, meaning, method, methodology, methods, mien, modus vivendi, motion, motions, mount, mounting, movement, movements, moves, navigation, nee, needle bearing, newborn, nudge, oarlock, observable behavior, orientation, output, overtone, packing, pantomime, parturition, pattern, pertinence, physiognomy, pilotage, piloting, pith, pivot, point, poise, poke, port, portage, porterage, pose, position, position line, posture, practical consequence, practice, praxis, presence, press, pressure, procedure, proceeding, proceeds, prod, produce, producing, product, production, propping, punch, purport, push, quarter, radio bearing, railway express, range, range of meaning, real meaning, reference, referent, regard, relatedness, relation, relationship, relevance, respect, rest, resting point, roller bearing, rowlock, run, scope, second crop, semantic cluster, semantic field, sense, set, setting, shipment, shipping, shoring, shove, shrug, sign language, significance, signification, significatum, signifie, skeleton, social science, span of meaning, spirit, stance, stand, steerage, steering, stillborn, stream, stress, structural meaning, style, substance, sum, sum and substance, supporting, supportive, suspensory, sustaining, sustentative, swing, symbolic meaning, tactics, telpherage, tendency, tenor, the general tendency, the main course, thole, tholepin, thrust, thrust bearing, time spirit, tone, totality of associations, toting, track, traits, transferred meaning, transport, transportation, transshipment, trend, truckage, turn, unadorned meaning, underframe, undertone, upholding, value, vintage, visage, waft, waftage, wagonage, way, way of life, ways, whelped, yield, yielding

Moby Thesaurus. . 1996.

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  • Bearing — Bear ing (b[^a]r [i^]ng), n. 1. The manner in which one bears or conducts one s self; mien; behavior; carriage. [1913 Webster] I know him by his bearing. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. Patient endurance; suffering without complaint. [1913 Webster] 3.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • bearing — n Bearing, deportment, demeanor, mien, port, presence are comparable when they denote the way in which or the quality by which a person outwardly manifests his personality and breeding. Bearing is the most general of these words; it may imply… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • bearing — [ber′iŋ] n. 1. way of carrying and conducting oneself; carriage; manner; mien 2. a support or supporting part 3. a) the act, power, or period of producing young, fruit, etc. b) ability to produce c) anything borne or produced, as a crop, fruit,… …   English World dictionary

  • Bearing — may refer to: * Bearing (navigation), a term for direction * Bearing (mechanical), a component that separates moving parts and takes a load …   Wikipedia

  • bearing — [n1] person’s conduct, posture address, air, aspect, attitude, behavior, carriage, comportment, demeanor, deportment, display, front, look, manner, mien, poise, port, pose, presence, set, stand; concepts 411,633 bearing [n2] significance… …   New thesaurus

  • bearing — ► NOUN 1) a person s way of standing, moving, or behaving. 2) relation; relevance: the case has no bearing on the issues. 3) (bearings) a device that allows two parts to rotate or move in contact with each other. 4) direction or position relative …   English terms dictionary

  • bearing — index behavior, color (complexion), conduct, connection (relation), connotation, content (meaning …   Law dictionary

  • bearing on — index relative (relevant) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • bearing — carrying of oneself, deportment, mid 13c., from BEAR (Cf. bear) (v.). Mechanical sense of part of a machine that bears the friction is from 1791 …   Etymology dictionary

  • bearing — [1] The area of a unit in which the contacting surface of a revolving part rests in order to minimize wear and friction between two surfaces. [2] An antifriction reducing device that is usually found between two moving parts. The babbitt bearings …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • bearing — /bair ing/, n. 1. the manner in which one conducts or carries oneself, including posture and gestures: a man of dignified bearing. 2. the act, capability, or period of producing or bringing forth: a tree past bearing. 3. something that is… …   Universalium

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